Tessa Valk
Founder, Art director
I work as a graphic designer at a advertising agency and took night classes for graphic design. During class I had the assignment to design a magazine. My idea for the magazine was to create a voice for nature-inspired creatives and so Art by Nature was born. After graduating, I missed designing the magazine and emailed the artist I had mentioned on the Next time-page. To my surprise, artists were interested and liked the idea of me telling their story. Since November 2015, my night job has been making Art by Nature magazine, I contacted many artists, did several interviews and designed their stories in style!

Danielle Spires
Copy Editor
During the day, I work as a photo editor and producer in Los Angeles, CA. My nights and weekends are spent working on fine art photography projects, and on my free time, I help copy edit articles in Art by Nature magazine. Since much of it is being translated from other languages into English, I'm here to help that translation go smoothly and edit grammatical errors. During editing, I get to learn a lot about artists around the world, and I enjoy learning about new, interesting and creative professionals.