Behind the Scenes
Artists give us a glimpse of a project they've been working on. This includes:
- sketches
- Inspiration and artists they’re inspired by
- Artist process
- Gallery and publication process
- Through the Eyes of
Creatives have a different way of looking at the world, which influences every part of their process.
In this feature, the artist will take us on tour of that world
Inspired by Nature
All of the artists that are featured in the magazine are inspired by the environment, ecosystem, world, nature and everything in between... This feature explains how they’re inspired by nature.
Craft by Nature
Crafty artists will give the reader a closer look into this DIY crafting process.
Design by Nature
In a time of 3D lasering and new interactive design, there is the danger of losing a personal touch to art. This feature explains the new technology that creates these wonderful projects.
Are you an artist and wish to have your work showcased in Art by Nature magazine?
Please fill this form out and I will get back to you as soon as possible.